Under UK legislation, Grainger plc is required to publish its approach to the management of UK taxes. The statement below is published to allow the group to comply with its UK statutory duty under Part 2 of Schedule 19, Finance Act 2016.  The below statement has effect for the group’s financial year ending 30 September 2025.

Our approach to tax risk management and governance arrangements, and the level of risk that the group is prepared to accept:

Responsibility for tax policy and management of tax risks rests with the Chief Financial Officer who regularly reports on tax matters to the Board. The Chief Financial Officer is supported by the Director of Tax who has delegated responsibility for tax matters on a day to day basis.

The group has a robust risk assessment system in place. A risk scoring matrix is used to ensure that a consistent approach is taken across all risk areas, including tax.  These risks, and their impact and likelihood scores, are documented and reviewed quarterly. The Board reviews all material risks.

The group’s approach to tax risk reflects its objective of operating on a ‘low risk’ basis with HMRC. This is the level of tax risk the group accepts and operates at.

Our approach towards tax planning:

When evaluating tax planning, we will always consider the group’s reputation, brand, corporate and social responsibilities. We will seek to avoid tax pitfalls by considering tax as part of every major business decision, and ensure that statutory tax reliefs via claims and elections are made where necessary.  The group will not seek to act in a way which we believe to be contrary to the intentions of Parliament when tax legislation was drafted.

Our relationship with HMRC:

We have a positive and transparent relationship with HMRC. We continue to strengthen our working relationship with HMRC and have again been rated by HMRC as ‘low risk’, a status which we have held for some time.  The group works closely with HMRC to achieve early agreement on issues and certainty on a real-time basis.